Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Lake Powell Trip- My family and I just recently we...
Lake Powell Trip-My family and I just recently went to Lake Powell for a week and it was so much fun! I went with my mom, dad, sister, aunt, uncle, and cousins. We had a blast! The weather was warm so we spent most of our time laying out on the top of the houseboat. We also cruised up hidden canyons on the waverunners and hiked up to rainbow bridge. We had "eightys day" and lots of dance parties. We tubed and swam and I went down the slide for the first time because it was finally warm enough! My cousin, Blakely, and I canoed and hiked all over! I also found a paw print that i was convinced was a cougar's but nobody else believed it. We had fires and made smores and were attacked by a mouse one night who wanted some of our smores. It was such a great trip and I'm looking forward to going back in April!
8:52:00 AM
by maddie j
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Lake Powell Trip-
My family and I just recently went to Lake Powell for a week and it was so much fun! I went with my mom, dad, sister, aunt, uncle, and cousins. We had a blast! The weather was warm so we spent most of our time laying out on the top of the houseboat. We also cruised up hidden canyons on the waverunners and hiked up to rainbow bridge. We had "eightys day" and lots of dance parties. We tubed and swam and I went down the slide for the first time because it was finally warm enough! My cousin, Blakely, and I canoed and hiked all over! I also found a paw print that i was convinced was a cougar's but nobody else believed it. We had fires and made smores and were attacked by a mouse one night who wanted some of our smores. It was such a great trip and I'm looking forward to going back in April!